Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today I am...

feeling completely discouraged...

.....if honesty is what Im supposed to put on this thing.

governor rick perry has taught me that hard work, dedication and love of your job gets you laid off. 
he also has taught me that if you've been there for 20 years and sit at your desk while the kids do their 69th worksheet of the week and its only tuesday...you get to keep your job.


countless hours have been spent on this overwhelming job search and of course there has been nothing even close to a response.

 schools are getting so many emails a day they cant even open them all.

so I need to come up with a catchy email subject title so that principals will just OPEN my email. 

For example:

"Let me tell you why you should HIRE ME!"
"If you don't open this email you're students won't learn anything or will hate you for not hiring me!"
"Parents and students agree Hire Ms Terry!"
"This is God...Hire Ms Terry"
"{insert a subject title that would get you to open the email here}"

Any suggestions?


____j said...

I know what you mean. Granted, I didn't get laid off, I'm about to graduate though. It's hard out there these days, I'm already feeling the pressure. Just hang in there. Just realize that you have so much to bring to the table and when a school system sees that and appreciates that, you will get what you deserve.

Alex said...

If I could go to Austin and kick Rick Perry in the shins, I would. I'm sad he's an Aggie. Keep your chin up, friend! You are amazing, fabulous, and the best teacher a kid could ask for!

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