Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I wish I had more energy, more time. I would love to blog about my classroom, how parents night went tonight, the fact that I told my students I worked for the CIA and they STILL believe me, how a student asked if he could play pranks on me and I said "only if I can play them on you", how, for some reason, when I say "BISCUTS" my 8th period responds with "GRAVY" and then STOPS TALKING to listen to directions. I would love to blog about Obama's speech and the RIDICULOUS controversy, or my cute anthroplogie dress, or put up a video from this weekend.

Or maybe I should be planning lessons, or editing a wedding video, or taking defensive driving or cleaning my room or making dinner other than a can of corn. Or maybe I should be doing just about everything BUT blogging right now including sleep.

I wish I had more energy, more time.


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